
Monday, January 27, 2014


Just a few weeks ago, I had what I like to call a close encounter. Well, what happened was that Jesus, our Lord, scolded me. What He told me made a lot of sense obviously. Took me just a day to realize that I really needed to love Him first, and love myself more. Short after that, I find myself chatting with a family member, who I pray to God, to continue blessing the way He is doing, and this person tells me: "now what you have to do is start dressing up nicely and elegantly to go to church, work, everything. That will lift you up even more. You will do just fine." So that brought me to the place I am at right now. I just focus in God and myself, the rest will follow.

When all this happened, I was going through the very last phase of something called "heartbreak", and honestly, now I see that maybe I had a little fault to it since pretty much I stopped caring for God and myself, and forgot to love God and myself first.

So, what did I do? When this happened, I was traveling, and I hit the mall and bought myself one-to-many nice clothes. So today, I am simply a young woman, that dresses nice and does her hair everyday, not to like others, but to like myself, and behave the best I can to please God. Even when I know that God likes us as we are. Don't believe it? Check the Bible!

Matthew 11:26 "yes Father, this is what pleased you" referring to himself at the time.

Or even better:
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal live."

So if God likes you, and pleases Himself with your creation, then why not like yourself? I'm just asking. I guess you have some homework to do huh?

Here is my advice to you. Go ahead and take a few bucks from your budget, but just a few, and buy yourself a nice dress, our outfit and wear it to work, school, whatever, along with a nice hairdo and make up. Once you wear it, look at yourself in the mirror and say how lovely and pretty you are, and how much God loves you, so you got to love yourself too.

Think about this, if He is God, why would he put his eyes on you? Why would he give you salvation? I mean, the guy is God, right? That is because you are His dearest creation, because you are His precious. You are a Princess of His kingdom. God's beloved daughter.


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Princesa con "P" mayúscula

¿Eres una princesa? Para muchas chicas la contestación es "si". En mi caso, la contestación es no. Yo soy una Princesa. Y, ¿porque con "P" mayúscula? Porque yo soy hija de un rey. ¡Y no cualquier rey! Soy hija del Rey de reyes. Esto me hace merecedora de grandes cosas.

Yo merezco amarme como nadie más lo hará. Merezco ser feliz. Y esto también me da derecho a ser juiciosa con mi conducta, a comportarme como la Princesa que soy. ¿Acaso las princesas de la realeza no visten con hermosas ropa y se comportan a la altura? Pues yo también puedo. Esto a su vez hará que la gente tenga otra percepción referente a ti. Aclaro que no he dicho en ningún momento que menospreciemos a nuestro prójimo. Dios no nos llamó para esto. Al contrario, nos dijo que amemos al prójimo como a nosotros mismos. debes mantener eso presente.

Nota extra, esto también te ayudará si estás buscando amor. En el próximo blog hablaremos sobre esto. Para darte un "preview", piensa en esto:
Si quieres que un chico te valore, te quiera y te trate como una flor delicada; ¿cómo debes comportarte y cómo debes tratarte a ti misma?

Entonces tu, ¿eres princesa o Princesa? Escribe tu comentario, preguntas o referencias sobre temas que te interesen y tu pensamiento sobre este blog. Espero que sea de ayuda siempre y sobretodo de bendición. ¡Muchas bendiciones siempre!